West India Burr Gherkins Cucumber, all that you need to know

West India Burr Gherkins Cucumber

Welcome dear readers, today I bring you this new post about an  incredible productive plant the West India Burr Gherkis Cucumber (Cucumis anguria), this small vine native to Africa and introduced in the caribbean about 1700´s century, it  grows in wild from the southwestern United States to south America, it has been introduced to tropical regions around the world. 

cucumis anguria, pepinito de monte
 Burr Gherkins Cucumber pickle.
Is easy to plant in gardens, is more resistant to disease and insects than other kinds of cucumber, is highly productive and excellent for pickles.

Cucumis anguria, maxixie
West India Burr Gherkins Cucumber
Growing it at home: Plant 2 or 3 the seeds in a regular 50 kg pot with black soil, for this plant is better if it germinates in the place where you want it to stay, it must have space to spread, you must also be able to get pollinators as it has female and male flowers, If you apply worm humus once a week your plant will be very happy! 
organic gardening Burr Gherkins Cucumber

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